Harvest Love

It’s beet season! I love beets – their earthly taste, their dente bite, the way they turn everything a deep, rich, fuchsia. With the tough personal loss I recently suffered at the hands of the second son of God (thank you very much Mr. Tebow) I needed some comfy food. My grandmother, the one I fondly remember with her tongue out, used to make these for me. She also pickled cucumbers the way Denveater described them. Well, not quite. I’m sure the taste was the same but the presentation was waaaay different since she wasn’t an east coast Jew but a southern Episcopalian.

Anyway, beets are coming down the TCSA pike and into my veggie bin. Using my considerable(ly limited) skills, I created this short homage for your viewing pleasure. I should probably have let the piece speak for itself. Ah, well. Turn up your sound.

I’m also thinking very good thoughts for a friend of mine with potentially very good news that goes along with a local, organic, communal harvest. Sparkles, Molly!

4 thoughts on “Harvest Love

  1. Anonymous says:

    That was Awesome!!! I need to send you the seeds, but I will send you an email explaining why I am so far behind with my responsibilites….I had that single LP and wore the sucker out on my super-duper Hi-Fi stereo. I thought if my Mom heard it enough the folks would get back together. I will be spending some quality time in Pergatory for that one….I did apologize later in life. I still love that song, though.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I LOVE pickled beets! I have a jar of them in my fridge right this minute, and I treat myself every day with a few slices.

    Cool video, brilliant niece.

    Love you…


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